Monday, December 14, 2009
Travis, Amy, my camera and -18 degree weather
I really wanted to go downtown Vernon and take some pics of a couple amoung the christmas lights. Travis and Amy volunteered and they did such a great job! I had no idea if it would work, I had no clue what I was doing, (ok, I had SOME clue) but it was pretty much a fly by the seat of your pants kind of thing. A big round of applause to Travis and Amy for bearing with me and being terrific sports while I set up my tripod in the FREEZING cold! Can hardly tell it's pushing minus twenty right? Oh and another big thanks to the random guy who was screaming and punching the buildings as he walked by. Thank you for not smashing my camera while you were raging.
Camillia...I LOVE the photos! These are some of your best yet. I especially love the last one!!!! The lights look amazing!
Love them!!! I also love the last one with the twinkling lights!!
LOVE love love love!!!!! You did an awesome job!! LOVE the last one!! So twinkly!!
lol... I'm going to sound like a broken record on this comment thread.... but I love the last photo the best too :) Great Job on the shoot and working with the available light ..woohoo
These make me miss Vernon even more! Those are great shots Camillia! It's great to see you improving and expanding your portfolio.
Wow, you made Vernon look really romantic. Excellent job Camillia!
Definately some of your best work...Fantastic Job Camillia; you ROCKED this shoot...
Thanks for the comment, its always good to hear from a fellow potn'er.
Great work. Your shots look really good.
Love these, they are so cute! Really like the layout of your blog too Camilla!
SO GOOD CAMILLIA!! Loves it :)
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