What an amazing place to be! I packed up my (almost) four year old and we drove 4 hours to Vancouver where we took in the sites! We headed down to Robson Square and did some skating, saw some crazy people stand in line for 7 hours to ride the zip line, saw the torch, some Russian athletes and all in all soaked up the Canadian vibe! A great trip with my little man, that's for sure.
A big thank you to Ashley for not only being our host, but for also being our tour guide and helping out when I had the bright idea of taking Aidan skating.....
The Torch!, oh and my little guy :)
Aidan and the torch!
As Carol-Ann said, Probably packing up to catch their plane home! BURN!
Someone got a tad sleepy after the torch
MMMMM hot dog!
My little Canadian :)
Who's idea was it to go skating???? MOM!
On Granville
Lanterns on Granville
Ashley showing her Canadian pride....and Starbucks!
The Olympic village...I think
Feelin' mighty proud to be Canadian!!!